The Gonstead Technique

The Gonstead Technique is a method of chiropractic treatment developed by Clarence Selmer Gonstead. It is not the only technique that chiropractors use but it is a popular one that has shown itself to be very effective over the last 100 years. At Specific Clinic of Chiropractic in Temple, TX, our chiropractors are well-versed in the Gonstead Technique as well as other forms of chiropractic treatment.

The History of the Gonstead Technique

Dr. Gonstead had severe leg and foot issues that resisted conventional medical treatment. He resorted to chiropractic care and found relief. It made him interested in researching and following this form of treatment as a practitioner. He studied under the founder of chiropractic care D.D. Palmer. He first took over the practice of his teacher, but in 1923, he purchased his own practice and went on to develop the technique that has his name. His belief in the hands-on approach has remained the hallmark of the Gonstead Technique.

What is the Gonstead Technique?

Dr. Gonstead defined his approach to chiropractic as "Find the subluxation, correct it, then leave it alone." Oxford dictionary defines a subluxation as, "a slight misalignment of the vertebrae, regarded in chiropractic theory as the cause of many health problems." The thought behind this is that the brain sends out messages along the nerves that travel throughout the body. The nerves pass along the spinal column and then exit at 24 points to keep the message going to the body.

The spine starts at the skull base and ends at the tail bone. If the space in one or more of the vertebrae is diminished or has a kink, this can stop or reduce the free passage of the signals. The result of the misalignment can be pain and diminished use of the affected area. With the Gonstead method, the misalignment is identified, and then gently through manual manipulation, is realigned. This results in pain relief and the issue is resolved.

Contact Our Chiropractors in Temple, TX

If you are in pain and live in or around Temple, call our team at Specific Clinic of Chiropractic at (254) 598-2677 to schedule a consultation with one of our chiropractors. We will perform a thorough examination and create a treatment plan that is designed to provide pain relief and improve your recovery.


Monday - Thursday

8:30 am - 12:30 pm

2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Friday - Sunday


Monday - Thursday
8:30 am - 12:30 pm 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Friday - Sunday